Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday 5/28

I have still been working crazy doubles, so workout times are scarce. I made it to the gym twice, took a short run, and did some dance and aerobics in the kitchen. I've done a fair amount of walking as well, but I'm really worried I'll suffer for this break when I get back to running. Oh well, I can't do much about it right now! At least I've done very well with my eating. It's easier when I'm not exhausted from running!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday 5/21

It's going to take awhile to adjust to my new work schedule, and for the next few weeks I am working two jobs. I managed a two mile jog/walk this afternoon. But I feel horribly jet lagged.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday 5/17

I went on a two mile run Saturday. My mornings have been waylaid by interviewing for and starting a new job. But I did make it into the gym today

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesdsay 5/11

Went to the gym Monday, walking to work today.
I ended up squandering my morning so I didn't walk to work, but I went on an intense mile and a half run after work to make up for it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday 5/8

Thursday I went to the gym, and yesterday I went on a three hour hike and went dancing. I'm not sore today (woot!), but I am tired. But it was worth it. I can't believe it's taken me so long to see Muir Woods!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesdsay 5/5

Well, I think I will have to pass on the See Jane Run marathon in June. I have a graduation to attend and my ten year high school reunion, and one can only pack so many things into one month. Especially when they typically work weekends and it's difficult to get those days off.
However, I don't plan on easing up on my workouts. There will be another half someday, and I'll be ready! Today I went six+ miles. I only ran about a third of it, as it was warmer out than I realized and the route I took was a bit hilly compared to my regular running grounds. But it was a lovely run, and along the way I visited the very beautiful Chapel of the Chimes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Good heavens, where did the time go? Well lets see, what have I been up to... I made it to the gym two more times, but I also got called into work on one of my days off, so I didn't get my run in. I went on a two mile run today, and really I should have run farther. I was feeling really good, but I had my dog with me, and after the encountering the fifth unleashed dog out by alone, I was a little stressed out. Still, it was a lovely early morning run. Tomorrow I plan on taking a nice long run up to Piedmont to see the Chapel of the Chimes. I hear it is lovely and peaceful, and I need some lovely peace in my life.