Monday, March 29, 2010

The Race

Yesterday was the big day, and not only did I not kill myself as I had feared I might, I made a moderately good time for a noob. In just 3 hours and 12 minutes I propelled my pudgy self 13.1 miles. Today I am hobbling like an old lady, but that's just some tightness in my thighs that will hopefully lessen after some time on the rollers tomorrow.
Next half marathon, June!?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day Fifty Three

I managed to get a mile walk in yesterday with some sprints. Today I made up for not eating much this week and loaded up on carbs. I tried to stick to good ones like brown rice and whole wheat bread, but a little pizza snuck in there too :) I think I'm as ready as I'll get! Now to sleep a bunch!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day Fifty Two

And then came the flu. I never get sick. Seriously. I am 28 years old and I have been working full time since I was nineteen, and I've never taken a sick day. I've had to call out from work twice for family emergencies, but never from illness. I do have physical issues related to allergies that wear me down, and that is all I thought I was suffering from at first. While at work Tuesday night I was feeling strangely lightheaded and nauseous. A coworker wasn't feeling well either, so we thought perhaps it had been what we both ate for dinner.
When my alarm went off in the morning I could barely respond. Thinking I was simply tired from frequently getting less than six hours of sleep a night, I reset my alarm for another hour of sleep. The gym wasn't going anywhere, so what would be the harm of working out later. Other than there being less space of course. When my alarm went off again I still felt awful, but I pulled myself out of bed and made some coffee, convinced that it was just sluggishness that would wear off. My husband needed the car early, and I couldn't shake off my weariness in time to get to the gym and back before he had work. I decided it would be a nice day for an easy run and set about doing a little online bill paying. I had a happy movie going to help me wake up, and at one point I realized I had stopped even idly browsing the internet as it required too much energy. I left the computer and curled up on the couch, and stayed there for much of the next day and a half.
I managed to eat a little yesterday, and even got up and stretched some so that my body wouldn't atrophy too much. And now I feel weak, but whole again. Thank goodness! I have some eating to catch up on, and I will take the dog for a long but leisurely stroll to test out my legs. Hopefully this set back won't impact Sunday too much.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Days Forty Seven- Forty Eight

Saturday I went on a quick run. It was pretty warm outside and neither the dog nor I were ready for it I think. We made it maybe a mile, but we ran pretty hard. Today I went to the gym and put in two miles on the elliptical (in 20 minutes, whew that warmed me up!) I plan on mostly working out at the gym this week to give my knees and shins a rest before the big day. Since I will still be on my feel all day and walking the dog, I'm not worried about loosing any strength.
I'm getting pretty psyched about Sunday. Only six days to go!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dasy Forty Five and Six

Huhk, I could have sworn I posted yesterday, but I guess not! Well due to spring allergies I had a very lackluster gym visit yesterday. But thanks to coffee and Claratin today was far better. I did a level six resistance mile in 9 minutes and three seconds on the elliptical. A personal record!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day Forty Four

As I was out late celebrating my birthday last night, and had to be at work at nine, I didn't get an official workout in. I did walk the mile and a half to work, with a few jogs and sprints mixed in. Now I feel completely drained and am heading to bed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day Forty Three

I had a very unexpired workout at the gym today. I've been getting less than six hours of sleep the last few nights, and it's taking it's toll. So today I am going to take a nice long nap. Hopefully I'll get a little afternoon jog in too

Monday, March 15, 2010

Days Forty One and Two

Yesterday was my day off from working out. Today I did some stretching at the gym then ran 3.6 miles with a friend. After which we went to the diner and had some oh so bad for us breakfast.... Now I feel comatose.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Days Thirty Nine and Forty

Omg I've been doing this for forty days! I want to get back in the habit of writing things down everyday so that it is easier to keep track. Yesterdays planned trail run was rained out, but I did get into the gym for a good workout. I've been doing a lot of balancing work and wall squats to strengthen around my knees and ankles.
Today I took the runt out of an afternoon run. 4.5 miles isn't as long as I'd have liked, but it's not too shabby either. Especially since we didn't slow to a walk very often.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day Thirty Eight

My knee hurt a little this morning, so I just did some yoga and ran a little with the dog. Saving up for a long trail run tomorrow

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Days Thirty Six and Seven

Local running views

Well yesterday I set out to walk the dog before heading to the gym. He was full of energy so I decided we'd just jog down the block. I felt pretty good though, so we kept going. I thought it'd just be a quick warm up before the gym, but it was so pretty outside and once I started exploring streets around my house that I hadn't been to, before I knew it I'd gone about three miles! It was an unexpected but highly enjoyable run.
Today I just went to the gym, but I put in 25 minutes on the elliptical. While I was on there the trainer handed me a running magazine. I have a hard time reading while running, but there was a lot of good info. I hadn't meant to be on the machine for so long, the time just flew by reading however. I even kept a respectable pace, I went 2.5 miles. Not too shabby at all.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Days Thirty Three to Thirty Five

Last week was a physically demanding one at work, so to give my tired knees a break I took Saturday off. I never work out Sunday since it's my long work day, but my legs were jumpy so I did do a little running when I took the dog out. Nothing more than a few blocks, but it eased the pain.
Today I went to the gym. I'm looking forward to having three days off this week. I plan to take a nice long outing. If the weather holds perhaps a good hike.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Thirty Two

Made it in to the gym (late is better than never). I had a great workout and took the mutt on a quickie mile or so jog when I got home. Now I would like to nap... darn work.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day Thirty one

Due to various circumstances I didn't get to go to the gym today. I managed to get in a 2.6 mile run this afternoon however. It's a beautiful day and they had just mowed the parkway, so it was a highly enjoyable run (in which I only slowed down to walk on occasion). Not as much working out as I had hoped for, but a nice run at least.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day Thirty

The rain is raining all around,
It falls of field and tree,
It's raining on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea.

R.L. Stevenson

I went to the gym this morning, then squeezed in a quick mile run before the rain came back. I was hoping to put in more cardio at the gym, but it was a little more crowded than usual.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Twenty Nine

This is the car ride home from our long run last week. He never once slowed down on the run and wanted to keep going, but boy did he crash as soon as he got in the sunny passenger seat!

I went to the gym and did ye ol circuit. Hopefully it will stop raining again for a few hours so that I can take an afternoon jog with the dog. Seeing how much more he eats now due to our increased runs makes me realize my constant desire to snack isn't just a result of what time of the month it it. I'm trying to eat healthy still, but I am letting myself eat more as well. I need it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Days Twenty Seven and Twenty Eight

Yesterday was my typical double day at work, so I didn't get any exercise other than walking the dog. Today I woke up incredibly tired and achy, so other than a light 1.25 mile trot I thought it would be best to rest. I worry I may be getting a cold, and being benched for any length of time these next few weeks would be awful.
5 m run
3 m run or cross
5 m run +
Rest or easy run
10-K Race